Tron is one of those classic films that you either like or hate.
I saw it for the first time when I was a kid and it blew my mind.
I rented it again recently to see if my memories of the film would hold up. While dated, the film still impresses me with its effects, and it evidently stuck in the minds of enough people that a modern-era sequel is soon to be released.
Trongirl by ~smeagol92055 on deviantART
The main challenge with this piece was the bodysuit; normally the bodysuits in the Tron universe are light gray, but I wanted the bodysuit in my piece to be black; of course, when placed against the already dark backgrounds of the computer world, this presented the problem of losing the fine contours against all that darkness. It took me several hours to sketch in the glowing lines of her suit in Illustrator and then composite it all together in Photoshop. Believe it or not, her suit, her face, her helmet, and numerous sections of the glowing parts of her suit are all on separate layers so as to avoid bleedover from the light effects.
The stock pieces used in this are [link] by Senshi-stock and [link] by ChaosEmeraldHunter on
VERY awesome work, man! Can't wait for 2.0 in THREEEE DEEEEE!!